Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Top 5 Wednesday Books you felt betrayed by

Top 5 Wednesday is a Goodreads group Here.

1. Dracula by Bram Stoker

This is definitely my biggest disappointment in the book world. I am a horror and vampire Dracula should be right up my alley right? I wanted to read it so badly for YEARS before I got to it. I just couldn't get past all the sexism in this very boring book! I'm sorry, I can't figure out what others see in it. If you loved it, that's great and I wish I did too. I'm grateful for what it's done for horror and vampires but otherwise I just think it's a piece of boring sexist crap that can leave it's shit in the 19th century. I reviewed Dracula Here.

2. E.T. The Extra-terrestrial in his adventure on Earth by William Kotzwinkle

This book is based off the movie, which I saw as a 20 years ago and I do remember loving it. I still need to re-watch it at some point. From my understanding it's not exactly like the movie but the basic E.T. gets stranded on Earth and is found by Elliot, a child boy, is there. It also had sexism among other issues I couldn't really get past or understand. I liked E.T. (for the most part) and the bond between him and Elliot..I even got the second book "E.T.: The book of the green planet: A novel" as i'm curious as to what happens with E.T. but I don't have high hopes for it. I reviewed E.T. Here if you'd like to know more about my issues with it.

3. Harry Potter and the cursed child parts 1 & 2

Seriously. I won't be surprised if I get hate for this one. I loved the original 7 Harry Potter books...this one not so much. The plot didn't make a lot of sense and ruined parts of the original books and don't even get me started on the queer-baiting! Characters also felt completely out of character as well. I reviewed it Here.
4. Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

Honestly i'm probably going to be hated for this entire list. I have never seen Peter Pan but of course most know the story. This book has racism and sexism and i'm sure someone is going to say "these books were written a long time ago! You have to forgive them for being products of their time!"...No...I don't. I haven't read a lot but I have read some older books that don't suffer from being "products of their time". It's not an excuse. Maybe they were better in their time but that doesn't mean they have to hold up in today's age. That said i'm not trying to hate on anyone for liking these or any other books. Just because I didn't enjoy them doesn't mean you can't. They can certainly, and do, have good points to them and we all do see different things in books. I enjoyed Peter Pan's ending and the creativity and I do plan on reading some modern retellings. I reviewed it Here.

5. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

I don't hate the story here, so please hold those pitchforks! I love the message in this story. I have seen plays when I was younger that I enjoyed, so I already knew the story as most do but I hadn't read it until December of 2015. I have heard many great things about the book including that it was Dicken's easiest novel to get into...well that just makes me feel an idiot to be honest. I felt betrayed by this novel because it felt like I had to look up every other word and couldn't get into, let alone understand, Dicken's writing. It felt so unbelievably pretentious. It's his writing I can not get into, so betrayed by the writing, not the message or the story...if that makes any sense. I believe I read this before I started writing reviews so I never reviewed this one but I did give it 2 stars on Goodreads simply because it has a nice message in it.


  1. To me A Christmas Carol is overrated.

    1. Yeah, so many people love it though and i'm just left wondering how anyone can understand it. I actually DNF'd it. It's short so I figured i'd at least try to get through half of it..I DNF'd it about 53% I think. I couldn't even finish it.

      I did watch the muppet Christmas Carol version after trying to read it though. I liked watching it.
