Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nov 10th to Nov 16th, 2019 Weekly Wrap Up

What I Finished Reading

Titles in this section link to my (sometimes fuller) reviews on Goodreads.

Night Film by Marisha Pessl 2⭐

I just didn't care for this. It started out ok but quickly went down hill (and from what I heard from others that also didn't like it keeps going down hill-I DNF'd at 41%). Too much (seemingly pointless imo) racism, sexism, transphobia, and misinformation/stereotypes about paganism. I was also bored and I feel like crap so I figured it wasn't worth it to push through it. That and if I did it might get 1 star instead of 2.

Pile of Possibilities for the Next Week

I'm currently working on 'Salem's Lot though as I said I feel like crap so it's slow going. I'm enjoying it so far (a little over 1/3 of the way through).

TV I Watched

Kim Possible Season 1 Episode 1
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 6
Big Mouth Season 3 Episode's 2-4

No Movies were watched this past week.

Youtube Videos Posted

The Nosy Booktuber Tag
October 2019 Etsy Haul

Book Haul

Amazon Freebies

Audio Books with Audible Credits

Bookfunnel Freebies

Paid for Amazon Ebooks


Prolific Works Freebies


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  1. Always nice to see somebody reading R. L. Stine I don't know if the guy gets enough credit.

    1. Thank you. I love R.L. Stine, he got me started in reading with Goosebumps as a kid.
