Sunday, August 18, 2019

August 11th to August 17th, 2019 Weekly Wrap Up

What I Finished Reading

Titles in this section link to my (sometimes fuller) reviews on Goodreads.

Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin 2⭐

I am so over "witches and witchcraft are evil. Pagans are devil-worshipers in league with actual Satan". I'm pagan. I've experienced first hand how we are still discriminated against and hated to this day. All the awful stereotypes and misinformation thanks to media. You don't need to demonize an entire group of people like that to make a horror book. It has real life consequences that I have felt and continue to experience. There was stuff I liked about the book. Rosemary's character arc for example. I can see why others would like it. Personally though it hit nerves with me. I'm Wiccan specifically (Wiccans are Pagan but not all Pagans are Wiccan) and if you want Here is a basic "What is Wicca?" with a story of discrimination in the work place that happens all too often.

Pile of Possibilities for the next week

*Laughs hysterically at how big this pile is*. I have read some of Helter Skelter and How to Understand Your Gender this past week and started The Paper Menagerie. I have borrowed Afar, The Beauty Vol. 1, Bingo Love, Clue and Aliens from Hoopla. I have 3 weeks to read them all so there is that. 4 are comics and the other is apparently short. The rest are on my Overly Ambitious August TBR: Romantic Outlaws, Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues, Unbroken: 13 Stories Starring Disabled Teens, Fifty Shades Freed, Hex Code, Zebra Forest and Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity.

TV I Watched

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 9 Episodes 15-16.

Movies I Watched

Hey Arnold! The Movie (2002): 5 stars

Action, political intrigue, good messages, funny moments, love Arnold's awesome grandma!

Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling (2019): 4.5 stars

Hilarious with good messages on accepting change and empathy. And I feel vaguely attacked. I loved Rocko's Modern Life as a kid! (And Hey Arnold too!)

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