Friday, April 24, 2020

No more TBR's (for me)

Awhile ago I came to the conclusion I wanted to stop having large monthly TBR's and settled for just group and buddy reads on my monthly TBR's even that is getting to be too much for me. Not in terms of how much I can read but just in terms of what I want to read and when. more tbr's for me! Mood reading all the way is the plan! I read as a hobby. I read for many reasons but to add stress to my life is not one of those reasons.

This isn't to say I won't do group or buddy reads, i'm certainly up for joining in them if the mood strikes. Same with readathons. I might still participate in readathons but you won't see me doing readathon tbr's. If I join in a readathon i'll probably take a look at all the books that would fit it or the prompts and then pick up which one/s i'm in the mood for during the readathon.

I've always been someone who could stick to a TBR. Sometimes i'd make them too ambitious and be unable to complete them but i'd always stick to them. And that was driving me up a wall. No more TBR's seems so much more freeing and fun for me. So when I pick up a book i'll ask myself stuff like "What genre do I feel like reading? Is a particular book calling my name? What age category does my brain want right now? How much energy do I have at the moment?" and such.

I am putting the fun back in my hobbies! There are so many things I want to read. I am firmly in love with reading now since getting into reading in late 2015. I am not concerned that i'll stop reading. In fact from the looks of it, with saying goodbye to the Goodreads challenge (though i'm still on Goodreads) and saying goodbye to TBR's I think it might let me read more! At the very least i'll enjoy reading more and that is what it's all about for me.

Also after typing this but before posting (i'm gonna try for a post once a week if I can) I realized my Youtube link hasn't been working. And i've been copy/pasting a bad link (the quotes weren't the right ones is all). Oops. It should be working now (at least on this post, the past couple, and hopefully from now on). If you find something isn't, please let me know. :)

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