Sunday, July 21, 2019

July 14th to July 20th, 2019 Weekly Wrap Up

What I Finished Reading

Titles in this section link to my (sometimes fuller) reviews on Goodreads.

Feed by Mira Grant 4.5⭐

I loved Feed! It definitely had a slow start but I didn't mind it one bit. I loved the characters, the blogging atmosphere, the politics. More of a political thriller that just happens to have some zombies in it than a zombie novel, but I ate it up! Made me think a bit and that ending RIPPED OUT MY HEART!

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson 5⭐

A quiet gothic horror novel. I found Merricat and Constance mentally ill and in need of some therapy. I won't spoil anything here, just giving my own thoughts about it. It definitely made me think a little bit and in it's own way did terrify me. I felt for Merricat and Constance, and no that doesn't mean I condone their actions. One can have sympathy for someone without condoning their actions. I'm sure i'm going to need to re-read this in the future. I can totally see a town acting like the townsfolk in the novel do. They didn't know anything but acted like they did, and instead of actually figuring anything out or leaving it be, just decided to terrorize. I am trying to avoid saying spoiler-y things here otherwise i'd say more.

Honey Girl by Lisa Freeman 1⭐

I feel AWFUL about this but I just couldn't stand the characters. I don't think it's a bad book, just a bad book for ME. There are a bunch of stupid rules (girls can't surf, can't eat in front of guys, girls can't be smart etc.) that are some unwritten girl code they bow down to. I found the characters so irritating, stuck up and spoiled and could not wrap my head around any of it or them. I DNF'd at 65 pages because if I had to read one more page I was going to scream. I am very sorry for multiple reasons. If it sounds more your thing, please do pick it up. I'm just very disappointed because my sapphic summer loving heart thought I was going to love it (and it took me years to finally get to it) and I was so wrong.

My pile of possibilities for the next week

I'm planning to participate in The Reading Rush (links to my profile) from the 22nd-28th and my TBR for that is: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Starfish, My Life as a White Trash Zombie, Alice, The Haunted Vagina, Locke & Key Vol. 1 and Food Wars! Vol. 12. I have also recently acquired a library card and now have Hoopla ( which is free. So I have currently borrowed (which I have for 3 weeks): Milk and Honey, Book Love and Bent at the Spine. I have Libby now to but my library didn't have those titles on it. Will I read ALL the things this week? No, I'm sure I will not (plus The Reading Rush goes into next week for blog purposes). But i'll read as much as I can! At least that's the plan.

TV I Watched

iZombie Season 5 Episode 9

Movies I Watched

The Lost World (1997) 5⭐

I read The Lost World earlier this year and finally got around to watching it! I absolutely loved it!

The Wild Thornberry's Movie (2002) 5⭐

I have seen this when I was a kid (I was 13 when it came out so teen). I still love it at 30! As a kid I wanted to BE Eliza Thornberry! The Wild Thornberry's was one of my FAVORITE childhood shows!

I rented The Lost World on Amazon and borrowed The Wild Thornberry's Movie from Hoopla.

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