Monday, March 14, 2016

The Color Purple Book Review

I don't even feel like I have a right to review such an amazing and important book! But i'll do my best which is going to come up way short i'm sure!

This book follows Celie, who starts out as a 14 year old child wife. It is written in letters from her to God and eventually to her sister Nettie who is a missionary in Africa. Despite the distance and time they remain strong loving sisters. It is written beautifully. It is passionate, real, inspirational, and just all around beautiful. It will also tug at your heart!

The love between Celie, Shug, and Nettie is absolutely beautiful. This book has themes of racism, sexism, love, spirituality (and it ends up in ways I think anyone, or many people at least, can appreciate) and more. It is easy to read, well paced, masterfully written, has some lovely characters, and will definitely make you think!

I don't want to give anything away and I highly recommend this book!

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