Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Thoughts on re-reading

A discussion post!

I want to do a discussion post every once in awhile. Just a post where I talk about some sort of topic. I figured with my recent books I want to re-read post why not discuss re-reading?

Some people say re-reading is pointless, you've already read the story. Others love it. Others want to do more of it but feel bad because of all the unread books glaring at us. I'm definitely in that last camp. There are so many books I want to read that I feel bad for the unread books staring at me but also..I want to re-read some books. I want to dive back into my favorites. Revisit characters and stories I love.

A lot of the times it's like diving into it for the first time for me because my memory sucks. I forget things. A lot. So maybe i'll remember the basics or something but not details, and heck sometimes i'll even forget the basics. I'll just know what I felt about the book, if I loved it, liked it etc. And sometimes with re-reading one can take away new things from the book.

Why do we sometimes feel shame for wanting to re-read a book? As if we can't take anything new from it or as if reading isn't meant to be enjoyed. I read for fun, as a hobby, to keep my brain active. That's all. If I want to re-read a what? I read for FUN. If I find re-reading a book fun and enjoyable who is to tell me I shouldn't spend my free time re-reading it? It's not hurting anyone. Reading and hobbies are meant to be enjoyed.

In This article it mentions that "Without rereading, it may be impossible to appreciate a writer’s more subtle talents or to comprehend a text’s intricate ideas and themes." and that sometimes works of literature have been defined by their re-readability. It also mentions it can act as a means of self-reflection, since the text doesn't change but the reader might. It has pros and cons in the article, a con being a re-read may not live up to the rosy view of the first read, which is definitely a fear. What if a beloved longer holds up for whatever reason? That can happen, and it can suck. It can also mean you've grown as a person and are seeing it in a new light, even as the nostalgia takes a hit.

Reading this article though made me think of the fact I re-watch movies and tv shows, and enjoy them all over again without a second thought. I listen to songs more than once. How is that any different to re-reading? If I enjoy re-watching and re-listening to stuff, why can't I do the same with books?

Yes, i'll watch new movies, watch new tv shows, listen to new songs once in awhile, and I have a bunch of books I haven't read yet that I want to, and when I pick up a book to read it's usually one I haven't read before. So what if I want to re-read something sometimes? Re-reading has it's perks, and is "for fun" really a bad reason? Isn't part of life supposed to be fun? I'll still be experiencing new things as well. There is room for both.

Another article I read and enjoyed Here.

Do you re-read books? Do you feel bad for re-reading or wanting to re-read? I definitely need to make time to re-read some books! What about you?

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